
Glen Grant 12Y 1Liter


6ขวด - 9800฿ / 12ขวด - 18000฿

Categories : Single-Malts Glen Grant


Glen Grant 12 Year Old Bottling Note
A 12 year old Glen Grant single malt, launched in mid-2016 with a rather sleek and handsome new bottle design. Still shows off the classic Glen Grant style - honey'd malt, sugared almond and ripe apple notes galore!

Tasting Note by The Chaps at Master of Malt
Nose: Orchard fruits open it up, with orange and apple. A touch of pastry and a dusting of icing sugar.

Palate: More rich, sweet red apple notes. Golden barley in the background.

Finish: Touches of almonds last on the finish.

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